Thursday 23 February 2012

A Pollyanna Post

For those of you that have not read the book or watched the film Pollyanna, it is an inspirational story about an orphan who is sent to live with a stern Aunt and she changes the whole town. I do not want to spoil the story for you- so definitely read or watch it. Pollyanna is always optimistic and plays "the glad game" which is finding something she is glad about in every situation. 

I think we are all guilty of not being as optimistic or as thankful as we should be. So from now on I am going to make "A Pollyanna Post" a regular feature.

This week I saw my oldest friend Kirsty who I have not seen for months and months and months, afterwards I felt sad because I do not get to see her more often and miss her.  However I am glad that when I do get to see her, I have such an amazing time and the longest catch up session about weddings and her beautiful cat Charlie!!!!!!! As soon as I see her it feels as though we have never been separated- and that is a lovely feeling. I am also really glad that we are still friends after 22 years despite being apart for long periods of time. Why don't you pop over and see the blog whose owner gives me the reason for all my gladness. 

I was also sad to hear that Sarah had a bit of a "dog incident" but glad it was not me. 



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